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Premium Swiper Plugins

Premium Swiper templates & plugins from UI Initiative and Swiper Studio

Expo Slider

Parallax & scale effects slider

Cards Stack Slider

Cards Stack slider made with Swiper

Material You Slider

Material You carousel made with Swiper

Tinder Slider

Tinder card-style interactions and effects

Shaders Slider

Stunning WebGL image transitions

Slicer Slider

Images slicer slider

Shutters Slider

Fancy parallax image transitions

Stories Slider

Instagram-like Stories slider made with Swiper

Spring Slider

Swiper "spring" transition effect

Panorama Slider

3D panorama Swiper effect

Fashion Slider

Showcase fashion products

Triple Slider

Three Swipers work as one

Travel Slider

Pick your travel destination

Expanding Collection

Expandable content cards with Swiper

Posters Slider

Fancy cards slider

Paper Onboarding

Material design onboarding slider

Swiper 3D Slicer

Unique 3D "slicing" slider made with Swiper

Swiper 3D Pagination

Swiper templates with 3D pagination